Museums of the Medical College
Located at the Chair of Pathomorphology in the Jagiellonian University Medical College, this one of Poland's richest collections of anatomopathological specimens, belongs to Józef Brodowicz and Ludwik Bierkowski, who began collecting specimens more than a century ago (1831-1834).
The faculties of the Medical College treat their history with reverence, oftentimes through the preservation of unique exhibits and collections. The museums serve not only for conducting classes but also for carrying out historical research. Some remain open to the general public, giving everyone the opportunity to learn more about different types of medical equipment used in the past, how medicines looked and how they were prepared, and what unusual ingredients were used in the production of ointments and pills used to restore the health of our ancestors. Numerous anatomical and anatomopathological specimens are included in these collections.

-Museum of Anatomopathology of the Chair of Pathomophology
-Museum of Anatomy of the Chair of Anatomy
-Museum of the Faculty of Medicine
-Museum of Pharmacy

How to get there:
Chair of Pathomorphology
ul. Grzegórzecka (Grzegórzecka Street)
31-007 Kraków