Berliner Medizinhistorisches Museum
Charité-Universitätsmedizin Berlin is the oldest hospital and medical school in the city and has more than 750 wet and dry specimens of various organs.

Heidelberg University Collections
In the oldest in Germany and 5th oldest in Europe, Heidelberg University, individual departments have permeant exhibitions. Medical collections in Germany.
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German Epilepsy Museum in Kork
Opened in 1998, the German Epilepsy Museum in Kork is the only museum on earth dedicated to epilepsy.

The MuSeele Museum in Göppingen
Located on the top floor of the Alte Badhaus in the hospital Christophsbad in Göppingen, the MuSeele museum’s intention is to demonstrate the history psychiatry (more...)

Das Psychiatriemuseum in Haina
The psychiatric history collection and hospital archive give a unique insight into the history of psychiatry that begins in the 16th century (more...)

The Prinzhorn Collection in Heidelberg
The Prinzhorn Collection museum is dedicated to art created by men and women with mental disorders (more...)

Prof. Dr. Korbinian Brodmann is known as one of the most important brain scientists worldwide. The museum is located on the 3rd floor in the town hall of Hohenfels-Liggersdorf. It was built in memory of the great son of the village (more…)

The Institute posesses historical photographs of histological brain slices and also wet specimens made by Friedrich Arnold (1803-1890), who was chair of the Heidelberg Institut from 1852 to 1873. He first described the otic ganglion (more...)