Museum of Brain Evolution (Moscow)
The exhibits of the museum serve as an initial introduction to the structure, development, functions and mechanism of animal and human nervous systems. It also provides an in-depth study of the general and specific issues of neurophysiology (more...)

Medicine History Museum of the First Sechenov Moscow State Medical University
The Museum has a collection of rare medical textbooks, documents and medical instruments form 18th-20th centuries and equipment allowing to reconstruct the development and evolution of medicine in Russia. (more...)

The Memorial Museum - Estate of Academician I.P. Pavlov
The exhibits of the museum serve as an initial introduction to the structure, development, functions and mechanism of animal and human nervous systems. It also provides an in-depth study of the general and specific issues of neurophysiology (more...)

The home of the Nobel prize-winning physiologist most famous for his experiments on dogs, this apartment was kept unaltered for thirty years by Pavlov’s wife before becoming a museum (more...)